
Evangelization Matters!

RENEW International

RENEW International, a Catholic ministry organization, is the leader in parish spiritual renewal and evangelization. For four decades, RENEW has served as a trusted partner to parishes and dioceses in 24 countries around the world.
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Belonging and Why It Matters

Posted by RENEW International on Nov 10, 2016 3:45:13 PM

Have you ever stopped to think about the spiritual encouragement your parish offers you, especially the ways in which your parish leads you to grow in faith and follow Jesus Christ?

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Topics: Belonging Matters

Responding to Jesus' Call to Discipleship

Posted by RENEW International on Nov 8, 2016 5:12:57 PM

“Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits. He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick—no food, no sack, no money in their belts. They were, however, to wear sandals but not a second tunic. He said to them, ‘Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave. Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them.’ So they went off and preached repentance. The Twelve drove out many demons, and they anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them” (Mark 6:7-13).

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Topics: Why Evangelization Matters

Four Best Practices for a More Welcoming Parish

Posted by RENEW International on Nov 8, 2016 5:08:22 PM

Long before there were a multitude of businesses that emphasized customer service and customer care, welcoming strangers was central to our Catholic faith. Today a growing number of parishes are rediscovering hospitality as an essential Christian practice.

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Topics: Welcome Matters

The New Evangelization and Why it Matters

Posted by RENEW International on Nov 8, 2016 4:18:08 PM

The word “evangelization” has meant different things to different people in various places and at various times in history. Today, the Church has a refreshed emphasis on what she calls “the new evangelization” in keeping with the trends and challenges of modern society. 

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Topics: Why Evangelization Matters, The Joy of the Gospel

Five Reasons that Sunday Matters for Evangelization

Posted by RENEW International on Nov 8, 2016 1:55:27 PM

Imagine you are standing at the front door of your parish church at one of the weekend Masses.  You notice the people streaming towards the church: young and old, rich and poor, sick and healthy, women and men. Some may be highly educated, and others have no formal education. Some are married, some are living together, and some are single, or single parents struggling to raise a family on their own. There are people who are happy, or lonely, or bereaved. People who just found love and people whose hearts are broken.  Sadly, there are people experiencing abuse or addiction.

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Topics: Sunday Matters

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